Mums Uniting Mums (MUMs) is an initiative dedicated to creative a space for mums in bereavement to find emotional support with those who feel what they feel.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

How long more would you grieve?

Classic question.

Its like asking "When you think you'd die?"

As long as it takes, my friend!

Haven't you heard before - it's not about the destination. It's the journey!

No, I can never answer that question and this is something one should never ask a mum who is in bereavement. Don't even say "It's been a year. Don't you think it is time to move on? To let go?".

There are some things in life that you cannot get over. This is one of them. Grieving for a loss of a child.

Grief, they say is one of the most traumatic experiences in life, and everyone would have to get to experience it one day. It is also the most difficult psychological symptom to treat. It binds you. The pain gets you to your guts. It reaches every nerve so you feel it! It takes you to places that you've never known existed to the point that even doing the most mundane, basic things seem difficult.

But I know that somedays, you'll find a place to leave it aside and carry on. Somedays it hit you and you find yourself weeping, crying non-stop. Lasting for 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week!

So leave me alone in my space of grief where time do not exist. If you love me, if you care for me.

Please do not ask how long?
Ask, "How has it been for you?"
And when I respond, be in the place of compassion, of giving.
This way I know you are on the journey with me..


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