Mums Uniting Mums (MUMs) is an initiative dedicated to creative a space for mums in bereavement to find emotional support with those who feel what they feel.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ai Mee's Journey with Erica

Thank you for making me the 1st official member of your team!! What an honor. Sorry for the late reply, I have been away to Endau Rompin. Although I have been there countless times, from both the Pahang side as well as from the Johore side, each visit is different. The camp I visited last weekend is new to me and it is absolutely beautiful. Erica would have loved this place as much, if not more, than the camp she was at when she was 6.

It is hard not to think about Erica especially when we are in camp. If she were there, I know for sure she would have asked to be taken for a night walk everynite. She would have remained in the river for as long as she can and would not admit that she is cold even though her teeth are chattering. And she will want to go exploring along the river and the surrounding jungle. She would have found insects which I would have miss. She would be very happy playing with the seven dogs
which went along with us. And she will be laughing, how I miss her giggles and her laughter.

When Erica laughs, you will want to laugh along with her, her laughter is very infectious. Leeches do not bother her. In 2001, when she was 4 years old I took her to Endau Rompin for the 1st time. She was very disappointed when she did not get any leech bite and was very envious of the guy who got about 8 to 10 8 leech bites during the hike. If you don't like leeches then if is better not to walk with Erica because she will not allow you to kill it.

Soon it will be 1 year since Erica left us or to borrow your term ; 'Crossed over'. It is hard not to cry when I think about her. While I am glad she no longer have to go through all the pain it does not stop me from missing her and wishing that I can hold her, smell her and hear her laugh again. She is such a bright spark and it is very hard to accept the fact that I will never get to see her or hear from her ever again....well at least until I 'cross over' myself.

June 26, 2006 - that was the day the Doctor told us that Erica has leukemia. The next day he confirmed that she has Leukemia type AML and on Wednesday, Erica started 10 days of chemotherapy. There was no time to think or to consider alternative treatment. Her blood count was so low that they have to give her blood transfusion very early on Tuesday morning. There was no remission after the 10 days of treatment and she has to start on her 2nd course of Chemo almost immediately.

August 10, 2006 - that was when Erica followed the angels and moved on.
All over in just 46 days. The only thing which keep me 'sane' now
is the fact that Erica is no longer in pain and does not have to go through all the needles
and chemotherapy ever again.. Her spirit is free and I know she is happy wherever she is.

So many memories, so much love and so much tears. So much more to share but
cannot continue now.... so will have to wait till another day.


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