Finally...The Logo
After having gone through the symbol, then the colour.
Pink? Too obvious.
Blue. Light Blue. Yes.
Healing. Water. Clarity. 3rd Eye. Intuition. Sixth Sense. Knowing.
There you have it, the visual identity that holds true to everything what MUMs stands for..
..the heart shape that represents love
..the flower that symbolises undying love.. dangling in an arching stem for mums uniting mums together in oneness..
This is the best part. I reread the printed-out 'wikepedia', and for the first really, really read it.
Bleeding Heart is found in Japan, 'Dicentra Spectablilis'. California to British Columbia.
Imagine, the vision. Connecting mums all over the world!
I am excited about the possibilities - connecting mums all over the world!
We are not alone, we don't have to be!
Then I need a line to explain who we are, what we do for mums. So many censors, so many suggestions. Finally it came down to : "Mums uniting Mums. Together in the journey of Healing. An initiative supporting mums in bereavement".
I also some simple ground rules to focus how we behave, how we offer emotional support, 'the coming from' :
•Even as we are going through similar pain, we are each individuals differentiated by belief systems, esp. about how we cope, respecting each other's space of bereavement.
•That we listen, we share, we do and will not impose.
•That no matter how much pain we are going through right now, with faith we will eventually come to a place of peace.
Ai Mee said, "Not too many rules please!". I hope this is not too many because I believe it is important for us to be grounded by what we stand for, for others.
God bless.
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