Mums Uniting Mums (MUMs) is an initiative dedicated to creative a space for mums in bereavement to find emotional support with those who feel what they feel.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

a walk to remember

Jon saw this movie, I guess a hundred times, on Astro HBO. Since then he asked, bugged me to get the book and also DVD. This was in 2005. It was to be months before the book came but the DVD was elusive.

I used to ask him why so gungho about this? "It's a beautiful story, mum" Jon said.
"But the girl died of cancer. It's sad!" I said.
"Mum, yes she did but she died beautifully" Jon reasoned and continued, "It's also a beautiful love story."

My husband and me finally saw the movie (managed to get the DVD only 3 weeks ago). How my heart poured, and I think I understand now why Jon liked it. And like the good son that he has always been, and still is, he reminded me through the movie how much he loves me. A line which was repeatedly mentioned throughout the movie which I believe is Jon's message :

"Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it".

I huddled into my husband's arms after the movie and cried. He said, "I think Jon wants us to remember him with joy, not pain. And Jon certainly had his walk."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Welcome Ling!

I met Ling many many years ago when I was handling the advertising business of a MNC where she was employed as a graphic designer. Today she is married to my ex-boss, ex-colleague, my dear friend Jeff Orr, and mother to Sean 9, and Tim, 7.

Since MUMs was formed, we were trying to find a champion to lead the other division - MUMs for mothers currently caring for children with cancer. Ling, given the journey she had 4 years ago, has volunteered her service. She is certainly god-sent.

More on Ling, in her own words plus photos, to follow.

She was one of my faithful pillar of strength when I was on my own journey with Jon. She would be the one I would call for advice, especially on Jon's diet, as her journey began before mine. She represented Hope when I needed most. Apart from being a great friend, she is gifted with compassion. Her willingness and passion to help, especially those who are faced with life's challenges, is second to none. She is ever faithful, ever waiting on the wings to take flight whenever the call for help comes.

I, and MUMs, are especially blessed to welcome her on board!